Walk and look

Discover the beauty of hidden paths in the woods. Become familiar with the small creatures that live along the footpaths and enjoy the view of a landscape of incomparable beauty

Pasea y mira la naturaleza de Navarra

Locality Activities Spring Summer Autumn Winter
Aniz Walks
Azpilkueta Children’s donkey ridesand walks
Bera Walks
Erratzu Walks  ✓  ✓
Etayo Walks
Etayo Walks  ✓
Goldaratz Walks  ✓
Goldaratz Pig slaughter
Izkue Walks
Izkue Walks
Oskotz Walks  ✓
Unzu Walks  ✓  ✓
Zurucuáin Walks
Larráyoz Walks  ✓
Ollogoyen Walks  ✓
Lácar Walks  ✓
Urrizelqui Walks  ✓
Muzki Walks  ✓
Muzki Warehouse and exhibition of old tools  ✓
Egiarreta Walks  ✓
Moriones Walks  ✓
Iribas Walks  ✓